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Members of the Board of Governors of Rio Vista are elected by Rio Vista property owners in good standing for three-year terms at the annual community meeting. Board members then elect officers of the board for the following year. The officers are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each board member assumes the chair of one or more of the various standing and special committees of the board. One of those committees is the Finance Committee.


The Chairperson of the Finance Committee is responsible for oversight of the annual budget. As part of this responsibility, the committee chair produces a report of month to month collections and disbursements from community funds. These reports are provided monthly to each board member for review and comment. The Finance Committee reviews monthly financial reports that reflect income and expenditures throughout the fiscal year and also performs audits of financial records from time to time to validate that the financial reports are complete and accurate and that expenditures are in accordance with the approved financial plan for the year.




(410) 745-2461


Barry Burke