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Realtor-Title Company-New Resident Documents for Closing


The community of Rio Vista has a rich and lively history spanning the last seventy years (1954-2024). This page is intended to provide information for Buyers, Sellers, Real Estate Professionals, and Title Companies that seek to provide required information for real estate transactions, including settlement/closing. These documents established the community and the corporation charged with maintaining the community lands and enforcing the reservations, provisions and restrictions originally set forth in the Deed and Agreement.


Should you have questions regarding the status of any past due fees associated with the Rio Vista Community Association’s mandatory Annual Fees or Infrastructure Reserve Fees, please contact Judy Sandground, RVCA Treasurer at jsandground@me.com or or by phone 703.408.1890.


The Deed and Agreement is mentioned quite frequently as the defining document for our community.  A historical record of all critical documents of the Association can be found on the Document History of Rio Vista page.


Over the years, various Boards of Governors have approved By-Laws as specified in the Articles of Incorporation.  All of the information concerning management, officers, committees, finances, meetings, restrictions and regulations are included. Definitions have been added as well as attachments containing fee schedules, construction and architectural policies and forms and the boat slip rental agreement. When you receive your copy, please keep it with your important papers and use it as a reference. When a property is passed along to a new owner, these By-Laws (along with other documents linked below) should be a part of that transaction.


The Consolidated Packet, contains the forms/links necessary for Closing. Of particular importance is the New Resident Data Form, which enables the RVCA to communicate with new residents. Rio Vista is a Neighborhood Watch community.  As such emails are required so that all residents can be notified of important community and EMERGENCY messages. Please be sure to return this form to RVCAInformation@gmail.com at or immediately following closing.


For more information, contact Barry Burke, Secretary/Vice President through RVCAInformation@gmail.com .


Documents relevant to RVCA Development & Management


CONSOLIDATED REALTOR-TITLE CO -BUYER/SELLER PACKET  Includes ALL forms & links below plus new resident information form + more.


CURRENT BY-LAWS: Approved AUGUST 14, 2024 – Effective OCTOBER 15, 2024


DEED & AGREEMENT  Deed & Agreement filed in Talbot County Land Records (1954) by attorney for Theodore & Myrtle Fletch



FEE DISCLOSURES  Mandatory Annual Fees and Reserve Assessment Fees



ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES/FORMS  Guidelines for home improvements 


MAP OF RIO VISTA  Map of the Rio Vista Community by Section and Lot